Thursday, December 13, 2007

Introducing UCA Young Adults & Interfaith Relations

This blog has been set up as part of the UCA national work with young adults, and has a focus on stories of young adults seeking to be 'into' faith in an 'interfaith' context. We welcome stories, experiences, opportunities etc. This blog will present some news about what's happening in and beyond the UCA.

Within the UCA there is a national 'Relations with other Faiths' committee. The Chair is Rev Seferosa Carroll, The website is which has a lot of information and resources, including a PDF of the book for 'Living with the Neighbour who is Different' which outlines policy and theological attitudes to interfaith dialogue. It is a useful resources for individuals and groups alike and there is a study guide available.

The National Youth Activities Reference Committee (NYARC) has oversight for national events and activities with senior youth and young adults, including linking with ecumenical opportunities (in cooperation with Christian Unity Working Group) and interfaith opportunities (in cooperation with RoF Committee).

Contact person: Rev Sandy Boyce,, Ph +61 (0) 8 8297 2145.